Monday, March 20, 2006

All blogged out

This will be the last entry on this site. We've had a real blast and I'm all blogged out ...... It's time to enjoy the rest of the games. I hope you've enjoyed the comments and pictures, the race itself was worth all that was gone through to get here - we'll back in dribs and drabs between now and the end of April - and when we are all back we'll do a full debrief on the lessons learned and how we can plan for the future - which could be extremley exciting for everyone involved in the Jersey Triathlon Club

Sunday, March 19, 2006

My new royal best friend

My new royal best friend
Originally uploaded by garyrichardjones.
Now there's a story behind this photo which involves your correspondent polishing the royal throne. However, as I dont want to be sent to The Tower of London for treason, that story will have to wait till I get home!!!!

Friday, March 17, 2006

New best friends

New best friends
Originally uploaded by garyrichardjones.
The woman on the left is Lesley Buchanan, of the International Triathlon Union and is now our newest best friend. However, she really is our new best friend and for reasons which may have huge implications for the Jersey Triathlon Club. more will be revealed when i get home!!!!

Terry Sheldrake, is also our bet friend, and he has let Tim race!!!

The sacrifices managers have to make

I have had to move into the kitchen/lounge due to my incessant snoring which has been keeping Tim awake. As I've got no curtains etc it gets light pretty early and as such dont get much sleep.

Anyway tomorrow is race day, everyone is looking forward to the race, which will have less competitors than our duathlons, but about 200,000 more spectators!!!

The Games almost came to a halt today, as one of the capuccino machines broke down in the village, there was almost a storm in a tea-cup!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Paul gets ready for the opening ceremony

Well we finally made it to the opening ceremony, not though till we ensured Paul got changed and put the team uniform on. The ceremony itself was awesome, 90,000 aussies made alot of noise when the aussie team came in. It was a loong night with plenty of hanging around, but loads of fun and everyone agreed justified all the work that's been put in.

Now for the serious business of race preparations and race day itself.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Tim racing Hamish Carter

Tim racing Hamish Carter
Originally uploaded by garyrichardjones.
Well Tim is out of plaster one day and he ends up racing Hamish Carter, the Olympic champion in the training pool, ok Hamish didnt know it was a race and Tim did have fins on but.... a race is a race. Anyway, Tim is out of plaster, is now in strapping, and we're only one fitness test away from Tim racing. Who says managers dont do any work.... actually the credit is all Tim's. Look out for us in the opening ceremony, we're on near the beginning and will be wearing red jackets!!! (again)

Monday, March 13, 2006

Melbourne's St Caths pier - well St Kilda pier really

We had a major setback today, it rained and we had to wait before we could go training till 11.45 am. Ah the challenges of being a full-time athlete.

We've been on the course again, with the guys practising transitions, followed by a good session in the pool this pm.

Tim's family has arrived, which has brought some sanity to the proceedings, and we've met up down at St Kilda.

The real work starts tomorrow with technical meetings, appointments with doctors as we try and make sure that Tim can race, he's fit he could do it, we just need to make sure doctors, race referees etc are all happy.

We should know by Tuesday evening your time - so let's keep our fingers crossed, he's worked so hard and been so positive.


Friday, March 10, 2006

The manager and his athletes

The boys did a good work-out down in St Kilda, all 3 looking strong, with Tim being an absolute credit to himself with his continued commitment and determination.

It's been a tough day - swim, bike and run training for the boys - plus meeting loads of new friends - the welsh triathletes, Chris from Ghana. We then headed off for coffee at a mobbed cafe, followed by a bit of shopping at an olympic champion's bike shop. Tonight it is the Aussies rules football, life as a pro-manager/athlete is tough!!!

Have a look at the photos on

Twinning with Antigua and Barbuda

I'm sure you will be glad to know that your President has been working tirelessly to make contacts around the world, and I am delighted to announce that we have twinned the JTC with Antigua and Barbuda. It was a tough decision, and was the result of much painful neogtiation, but I feel that we could benefit from several visits to check out faciliites in advance of the Island Games. By the way this is my new best friend Owen, triathlon manager for Antigua and Barbuda, and he is as big as he looks!!!